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Web Page HostingWebpage hosting is same as web hosting; Webpage hosting is just another terminology that is used for web hosting. Every web page host provides different kinds of hosting services, some give free web page hosting and some charge a lot giving or providing better features like hosting multiple domain under one account. We will be discussing about hosting multiple domain under one account later in this article. Some web hosts provide front page web hosting. Where they provide their clients with the facility of hosting the web site, which is FrontPage compatible. Free web page host do not provide such kinds of facilities. Their customer support service is also not so good. Free Webpage hosting is done just o create the name of the company, they even allow personal web page hosting. Host multiple domains under one accountIf you operate several websites, each with its own domain name, signing up of separate hosting accounts can be an expensive proposition. Even if your hosting company offers the add-on domain feature (which will allow you to add different domains to the same hosting account) you will be charged a monthly fee for each domain you add, sometimes costing almost the same as your full hosting fee.
No limit to the number of domains you can add. The possibility of hosting your main website free, without using any of the space and bandwidth in your hosting plan. If you are a reseller, your main website will be your business website, and the space and bandwidth will be reserved for your customers. If you are not a reseller and just want to manage different websites, you can designate one of your domains as your main website (usually the largest and/or most popular, since you won't accrue any space or bandwidth for it). The possibility of upgrading to another plan without any penalties or fees. To find out how much space and bandwidth you will need, first determine how many sites you are likely to host, how many pages each site may have, and how many visits will those sites most likely have. If you plan to host 10 sites with 20 pages each, at an average of 50KB per page and 100 page views per site per day, you will need 10MB of space (10 x 20 x 50KB) and 1.5GB of bandwidth per month (10 x 100 x 50KB x 30).
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